Kinky Sex ‘Therapy’ Coach and Confessional Service

NB: This was written when I was still offering services in person, but the concepts still apply to “talk therapy”.

There are two caveats regarding my kinky sex therapy service. 1) I am not a therapist as such (although, in my previous life, I earned a degree and offered mental health services), 2) My kinky sex therapy services are not necessarily distinct from my usual services. What I mean is, the therapeutic effects are often integral with the sexual service, whether in person or during phone sex. Simply talking about or acting out your taboo fantasies can be therapeutic in itself. If you prefer to focus on the therapy side of things, ie discuss, analyse, get feedback, confess, etc, without sexual contact, that’s fine as well.

I’ve answered a few questions that you mind find helpful.

What do you mean by ‘kinky’?

Traditional therapy. Not exactly sexy.

I refer to my form of sexy therapy as ‘kinky’ because of the taboo topics I specialise in, and because traditional sex therapy involves discussing your issues in a detached, non-physical way in an office. The traditional format happens in a clinical, or depersonalised, setting in which you sit in a chair, fully-clothed, and talk about your conerns with a total stranger. You don’t know for sure whether that person will be open and understanding. You often don’t feel comfortable talking about your deep, dark secrets, for fear of being judged negatively.

What I offer is the opposite: sex therapy that involves actually having sex (in non-Covid times) and physically engaging in sexual activity with you. We do this whilst talking about the topics you want to address. Or I can play the role of the person you have desires for. It can involve down-and-dirty fucking or cuddles and nurturing, whatever you need. And you know you aren’t being judged when Mommy/Aunty/Daughter is riding your cock whilst you confess your secrets and fantasies. You can’t fuck a traditional therapist, but you can fuck me! I think that qualifies me as a kinky sex therapy coach. : )

What do you mean by sex ‘therapy’?

Therapy is any modality that helps you resolve issues that are troubling you. The most conventional format is talk therapy, as referred to above. Sometimes a person needs something much more intimate and personal, ie kinky sexy therapy, to sort things out. During Covid times, contact isn’t advisable, so dirty phone sex is the next best thing.

What do you mean by ‘coach’?

A coach is just a guide or teacher. Not unlike a football coach. But I play a much more exciting game, honey 😉

What do you mean by ‘confessional’?

It simply means getting things off your chest, not necessarily that you’ve done anything wrong. You may or may not need to atone for past behaviour. Perhaps you’ve just bottled up thoughts and desires for a long time and need to talk about them. If you are burdened by guilt or shame and feel you need punishment, I can certainly dish that out. Obviously, I can’t administer spankings or face slaps over the phone, but I can reprimand you and set you on the straight and narrow. Some people enjoy being punished/shamed/humiliated, and that’s something I have a great deal of experience bestowing upon wayward men.

What are your qualifications as a sex therapist?

I put the word ‘therapy’ in quotations in the title because I’m not a certified therapist. Perhaps a better way to characterise what I do is sex coach or sex mentor, ie kinky sex therapy coach. I do, however, have graduate education and training in counselling, and a few years’ experience working in the field, which I did many years ago. I also have decades of experience in sexual matters, both as an escort and in my personal life. Additionally, I have five decades of a very wide spectrum of life experiences from which to draw.

Furthermore, as an escort, I’m in the unique position of having had a deeply personal window into men’s psyches. I have heard the gamut of men’s sexual desires, problems, fantasies, experiences, difficulties, etc; therefore, I have a broad pool of knowledge about men, which is invaluable when helping you work through your own situation.

The benefit of not being certified is that I’m free to engage with you in any horny, slutty method I choose.

How can you help me?

First and foremost, I’m very open-minded and non-judgmental. I offer an atmosphere of trust and emotional safety. You can tell me anything and I won’t recoil in horror. I should qualify that with a caveat: If you tell me that you have committed a criminal act or acts of rape, murder, or child sexual abuse, I WILL report you to the police. Otherwise, you’re free to open up to me about anything.

I have the right temperament to be a sex therapist or coach. My approach is friendly and compassionate, I’m patient, and a good listener. These are the ideal qualities for offering support and objective feedback. With the added bonus of delving into sexual matters at the core of your being, talking it out can be very helpful.

Even if you aren’t able to act on desires or otherwise resolve them, simply bringing to the surface things you’ve repressed or been anxious about can be an intense and cathartic experience. Being free to talk about your innermost thoughts in explicit detail is very liberating! Many men have given me positive feedback, saying I have helped them immensely. I’m sure you’ll find my services beneficial, Darling.